Monday, May 9, 2011

Updated Military Gear...

Military Backpacks that actually conserve energy? This is a new Age of Warfare!

With many advancements in modern Military gear, we are expecting to see even more exciting improvements and changes to make our solders not only elite but conserve on energy as well. Mainly wanting to conserve space, minimize spending cost, to fully solar powered equipment. I personally can not wait to see what is coming out... 

There may be a general plan for rolling out new MultiCam tactical gear and equipment to our troops in various wings of the military, but one would have to assume that new technologies will get to the infantry as soon as possible. This is especially true if gear can be made that can make a soldier’s job more effective and useful. However, sometimes improvements are made that let the military move towards a more environmentally conscious approach to energy resources. As mentioned in an earlier post, the Army was looking at ways of using solar power to conserve and produce energy as needed. Now, the Air Force is looking into similar realms with its new tactical equipment.

An article from the Air Force’s official website discusses the leaps and bounds being made in lessening this branch’s carbon footprint. However, there is one caveat – the troops have to approve the gear being presented to them. At a recent conference, the response was generally positive:

“…the fourth annual Power User Conference held by officials from the Defense Department’s mobile electric power project manager’s office. They participated in small-group discussions, attended demonstrations and provided feedback on current and next-generation equipment. ‘This is a way to get very deep inside the combat (experience) and understand the issues and concerns that (service members) are going through, because this is of paramount importance for us,’ said Army Chief Warrant Officer Leonardo Bereton, who oversaw power equipment as part of his duties when deployed to Iraq in 2008 and 2009.”

Of course, there are concerns whenever a choice is being made to change the way that soldiers operate and complete missions. One seasoned Sergeant had some concerns, but realized that the younger soldiers may appreciate the changes:

“As an ‘old-school guy,’ Master Sergeant Vince DiLoreto said, his only concern with the transition is that the newer generators use digital control screens in place of dials. But he acknowledged that a younger generation of warfighters might prefer that.”

See more at the Air Force offical website on conserving energy; Air-Force

Also a Special Thanks to &


  1. Very nice post................. i agree with your views military gear updated. Know days comes the military gears very advanced technology this times. It's very helpful for soldiers.
    Military Gear

  2. Thanks for the post.Just a moment back I was searching for the information on the same topic and now I am here. So much information, really well executed blog.thanks....

