Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Article: America Goes “Hooyah!” for the SEALs

America Goes “Hooyah!” for the SEALs

It has been a couple of weeks now, but every which way one turns – or surfs on the World Wide Web – it is still very much SEAL this and SEAL that. Indeed, there has been a whole lot of SEAL talk going on, after they proved yet again that when the going gets tough – the SEALs may be called upon to wrap it all up. All in a day’s work.

A report by The Associated Press talked about the “SEAL-mania” that is said to be gripping America since the operation that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Beyond endless speculations, media features and blog posts, there has been a clamor for all things SEAL – from clothes to accessories, workouts to vacations.

Among the bestsellers are shirts and commemorative items emblazoned with the SEAL insignia, as well as memoirs of former SEALs; book publishers reveal that they could not order these memoirs fast enough. Fort Pierce, Florida – the birth place of the Navy SEALs, and home to the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum, the only museum dedicated to the elite Navy SEALs – has been tagged as a vacation destination, and inundated with calls from people who would like to get a glimpse into SEAL history.

There is also an increased interest in exercise programs and workouts modeled after those of the SEALs – and managed by former SEALs. Former Navy SEAL Mark Divine, founder of SEALFIT, shared: “I had an e-mail today from a kid asking if I could train him from home because his parents don’t want him to become a SEAL.”

(via Instapaper)

What a great post! Giving thanks to our Military and Navy SEALS. 

Special thanks from your   Military Backpacks squad.

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